Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Morning Routine

I started this course by Money Saving Mom - its on getting the most out of your mornings. I have watched the first 4 videos. They have been really fun and short. Honestly most of the stuff she teaches I am already doing - we have a great routine at night and make sure everything is cleaned up before I go to bed. I always make the girls lunches, I have my list of things to do, I make sure the kitchen is clean. 

Somethings thought I am not doing well. She talked about the "rocks" in her life. The rocks are the big things you want to accomplish. She talked about how if we don't put the rocks first then we will just spend our time doing "sand" projects - smaller and important, but not our CORE things we need to do to really live a fulfilling life. Our homework was to figure out what our rocks are. I have to say that was hard for me. I like to get up and start working right away, but I also noticed that I felt like I was leaving some really important things behind. So after thinking I started thing my rocks are:

1. Read my scriptures and pray
2. Get ready for the day - something outside of PJ's
3. Exercise -- although I am happy to count our family walks and bike rides
4. Spend time with each girl and Tyson and have them feel individually loved
5. Reading

After really trying to figure things out I realized that I need to focus on my rocks and that usually means doing that FIRST in my day. So I've been getting up at 6 am and atleast reading 5 verses in my scriptures and saying my prayers. I have also been getting ready first thing when I get up. I am going to make time to read in the afternoon or right before bedtime because it really relaxes me and helps me sleep better. I was putting reading off but man I really miss it. 

Tyson got a bike and we have gone on bike rides. We loved them and the girls request "bicycle ride" every night when daddy gets home. 

There are 10 more lesson's and I'm happy to learn. Crystal, the lady who does is, runs a successful blog, helps homeschools her kids, exercises and is very active with her church. I want to be more intentional with my time. I'm so grateful for my work - it really stretches me to become better with my time and to see what is really necessary in my life. 

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