Saturday, May 9, 2015

London Big Girl Bed

The Crib is officially out of the house. London has now been sleeping and napping in a big bed for 4 days. Oddly enough all this new found freedom has us finding her sleeping in the weirdest places. She's really quiet about it but when I check on her, I'll find her sleeping in her closet, next to the legos, right in front of the door, on the floor. The best was today when I took Sydney up for her nap and found London in the bathroom floor - blankie, binkie AND pillow, all laid out and she was totally sleep. It's so funny! 

I picked her up and put her back in bed. She is such a sweetheart. One thing that I noticed about mom's that I respect is that they always talk highly of their kids. I told a sister that her sunbean is just so good in class and she responded with "He is such a sweet and special kid". I really struck me about how I talk about my girls. I'm always one to try to keep things real and less fluffy. Life has never been roses for me and I kind hate when people paint their lives as perfect. At the same time I recognize how radically blessed we are. I think sometimes to not come off at stuck up I downplay things - perhaps even my kids. I tend to talk about how emotional Sydney is (because it's true) or how loud London is now and screaming (because it's true) but is that what I really want others to hear all the time? 

When people say "cute girls" I always say "they are lots of fun and lots of work." I'm rethinking that strategy. Lots of fun AND work is the truth, but random people don't need to hear it and more importantly I need to remind myself of the BIGGEST truth - my girls are such special and kind girls. They are daughters of God and they are kind, sweet, spirited and just plain awesome. I need to say that out loud more to myself, to others and more importantly to them. 

I'm so proud of London for transitioning over to her big girl bed. The girls now fall sleep together and although it takes twice as  long, they really do love having each other at night.

Some funny things Sydney says:

While I am smelling her hair 
Sydney: Euhhhh Mommy!
Me: What? 
Sydney: Don't smell me. You are not a doggy! 


During breakfast
Me: Sydney you seem quiet this morning. Is there anything you are thinking about?
Sydney: No mommy, I have nothing in my head

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