Thursday, July 3, 2014


Out trusty money envelopes that I've had for 4 years finally ripped beyond repair. You might wonder why I would take pictures. Well I was getting my new ones and realized that my girls will probably wonder how we did it with small kids. Well here is proof. We have a monthly budget and we work with cash. 

These envelopes really signify our taking control of our money and living below our means. This last month we had 300 food budget and ended with $2 left. We used a lot of our pantry and menu plan like crazy. It takes a lot of discipline but it also takes away stress. Yesterday Tyson had a horrible day at work. He came home and we walked to the store to talk and pick up milk. We talked snout the awful lady who yelled at him. She was constantly in auction. She was rude and mean. We talked sbiut how if money runs you, you get in trouble and you yell and are mean. You are in a constant state of panic and super touchy to the slightest things. This is a key reason we are strict with our money. I never want to be that woman. So sad. 

So I taped around some shinny new money envelopes. I see them and I'm so proud of our changes. We are so blessed. 

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